Rohtak MP Deepender Hooda has voiced concerns over Haryana receiving an inadequate budget allocation under the central government's Khelo India sports development program. During the Lok Sabha session yesterday, Hooda highlighted that while states like Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh received over Rs 400 crores each, Haryana was merely granted Rs 65 crores – accounting for less than 3% of the total Rs 2,200 crores budgeted under the scheme.
The MP pointed out the glaring disparity, considering Haryana's outstanding track record in international sports competitions, having won over 50% of India's total medals. He questioned if budget shares were not meant to correspond with proven success on the field. Referring to significant contributions from Haryana athletes at the Olympics as well, Hooda accused the government of punishing the state for political reasons.
Hooda urged the authorities to revisit their allocation criteria and prioritize medalists. With stakeholders like Hooda voicing dissatisfaction, it remains to be seen if the sports ministry will address the demands for a fairer distribution of Khelo India funds recognizing all top performers across the country. The disparities have definitely raised doubts about the transparency and rationale behind the budget decisions under this flagship program aimed at uncovering sporting talent nationwide.