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Life StyleExperts weigh in on the pros and cons of nightshade vegetable consumption

Experts weigh in on the pros and cons of nightshade vegetable consumption


Certain Ayurvedic experts often advise against consuming particular parts of nightshade vegetables like potato skins, tomato seeds and white pith of peppers for those dealing with autoimmune issues. But what does modern science say about these plant-based foods? I dug deeper to understand both sides of the story.

According to Ayurvedic practitioner Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra, individuals suffering from conditions such as acne, joint pain or skin rashes should avoid nightshades due to their inflammatory alkaloid compounds. She explained that potato peels, tomato seeds and white pepper pith contain higher concentrations of these compounds which can irritate the digestive system and trigger joint inflammation.

However, registered dietitians note that nightshades also offer several benefits when consumed in moderation. The supposedly problematic parts of the plants are actually nutrient-dense. Potato skins are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Tomato seeds boast antioxidants while peppers provide vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

While some digestibility issues can arise, experts agree these risks are generally low for most people. Proper preparation like thorough washing can also help reduce any pesticide residues. Excess glycoalkaloids in green or sprouted potatoes pose a greater concern than normal consumption.

Overall, the latest suggests nightshades can safely be included in a balanced diet. Speak to a medical professional about personal risk factors and always eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to gain their synergistic nutritional support. With mindful preparation and sensible portion sizes, it seems nightshades deserve a place on our plates.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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