Jubbal, Himachal Pradesh: A heartbreaking tragedy struck in the picturesque town of Jubbal on Thursday evening when a car carrying a family of three careened off the road and plunged into the icy waters of the Pabbar River. Susheel Kumar, 29, and his wife Mamta, 27, from a nearby village succumbed to their injuries at the scene while their one-year-old child is still reported missing as search operations continue.
Local eyewitnesses said the accident occurred in the Bhalu Kyar area when the vehicle lost control on the hilly road. Susheel, who was behind the wheel, was unable to navigate a curve and the car went over the edge, falling directly into the fast-flowing river below. Locals who saw the accident unfold immediately alerted authorities. Police arrived along with teams of rescuers who retrieved the couple's bodies and launched an intensive search for their toddler through the night.
The bodies have since been handed over to grieving relatives after post-mortem examinations. Rohru DSP Ravinder Negi stated divers and wildlife teams are scouring the river banks and waters downstream but there is no sign yet of the missing child. Police investigations are ongoing to determine the exact cause of the accident but slippery road conditions in the monsoon may have played a role.
This is a tragic end for a young family enjoying an evening drive. The community is left mourning while hoping for closure and praying the toddler can still be found alive. The search will continue through the weekend with additional resources deployed to the scene.