After the meeting between Karnataka Home Minister and prominent leader from the Dalit community G. Parameshwara and Rahul Gandhi in Delhi on August 23, the speculation is rife that he may be made the Chief Minister in case of the growing legal troubles of CM Siddaramaiah over land scam issue intensifies. However, Parameshwara refuted the speculation saying, “The question of me becoming the Chief Minister does not arise at all.' .The , Congress high command backed Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in his defence over the allegation of irregularities in the allotment of sites to his wife by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA). Meanwhile the group of 10 seers representing the Federation of Seers from Backward Classes and Oppressed Sections met the Karnataka Chief Minister offering unconditional moral support to him. They also promised to fight the sinister designs of the Raj Bhavan to destabilise the government.