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TechnologyCanva Enterprise aims to simplify visual communication challenges faced by large organizations

Canva Enterprise aims to simplify visual communication challenges faced by large organizations


Canva launches enterprise version to empower organizations visually

In a move to facilitate visual communication at scale, the design platform Canva has rolled out an enterprise version of its product. With over 185 million users and annual revenues crossing $2.3 billion, Canva has helped individuals express their ideas creatively over the past decade. Now, the focus is shifting towards empowering organizations to maximize their potential through visuals.

The launch of Canva Enterprise comes at a time when visual content is ubiquitous but its creation has become increasingly complex. Large companies utilize numerous tools, and navigating new technologies alongside artificial intelligence rises challenges. Canva aims to simplify this through its unified platform. Key features include single sign-on, admin controls, customized homepages reflecting company brands, team management capabilities as well as tools for content consumption across the workforce.

Enterprise users can leverage ready-made templates, images, and on Canva to efficiently produce documentation, presentations, websites and social media visuals matching their brand voice. A reinvented whiteboarding tool allows online brainstorming while new AI integrations automatically generate long-form documents from concept maps. Interactive courses on Canva also help upskill employees continuously with tracked progress.

The announcement reflects Canva's vision to empower not just individuals but entire organizations through streamlined visual communication. With revenue growing over 30% each year, simplistic experiences delivering on security, reporting and third-party compatibility could see Canva emerge as a one-stop solution for visual empowerment at scale.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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