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InternationalCanadian and US naval ships visit Cuba following Russian warships

Canadian and US naval ships visit Cuba following Russian warships


Canadian and American Naval Vessels Make Rare Visit to Cuba

In a rare occurrence, a Canadian naval ship and an American attack submarine have docked in the port of Havana, Cuba within days of two Russian warships visiting the same harbor. While military port calls are not unheard of, the proximity of the North American and Russian naval visits is notable given recent geopolitical tensions.

The Canadian navy's patrol frigate HMCS Regina arrived in Havana last week accompanied by a US Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine. Their presence comes just after Russian frigates Admiral Makarov and Admiral Tributs spent several days in Cuba, the latter leaving on Saturday.

Military ships from nations like China, Russia and others have made visits to Cuba before to foster diplomatic relations. However, it is unusual for Canadian, American and Russian vessels to all stop in the same country within such a short time period. Some experts suggest the back-to-back calls could be intended to send messages without either side directly confronting the other militarily.

While specifics regarding the motive and purpose of the visits have not been publicly shared, the port calls allow opportunities for strategic discussions, joint training activities and strengthening engagement between long-time trading partners and global powers. The coincidence of allies and rivals convening in proximity highlights Cuba's strategic geopolitical role amid recent tensions over issues like Ukraine and Taiwan.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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