In the aftermath of the devastating floods that hit Himachal Pradesh last week, BJP MP Kangana Ranaut traveled to the hard-hit region of Samej to meet with those impacted by the disaster. Upon witnessing the destruction firsthand and speaking with villagers who had lost everything in the flash floods, Ranaut expressed her heartbreak at the immense suffering of the people.
She conveyed her condolences to those who lost loved ones in the calamity and called for immediate financial relief to be provided to the affected families. Many residents of Samej village remain cut off after bridges were washed away. Local volunteers have taken up the task of rebuilding access points themselves in the absence of state assistance.
During her visit, Ranaut questioned what had been done by ministers of the ruling Congress government to help those in need. Given that over a year has passed since the last major floods, she demanded transparency around relief funds allocated last year. The MP further noted that while the central government stands ready to offer support, the disbursement of any aid remains contingent on the state government's efforts.
The demands raise valid accountability concerns as Himachal Pradesh has suffered extensively under frequent natural disasters during the current leadership's tenure. With lives and livelihoods at stake, it is imperative that all levels of administration fulfill their responsibilities to citizens in distress. Only by ensuring rapid and targeted relief can some relief be provided to those grieving their losses in this intensely difficult time.