As the BJP gears up for the upcoming Haryana state elections scheduled in October, sources within the party indicate it may make an exception to its long-standing ‘one family, one ticket' rule in order to accommodate demands from influential leaders. Several senior ministers and parliamentarians have reportedly approached top leadership requesting tickets for family members.
The ‘One Family, One Ticket' policy was introduced to curb dynastic politics, however anti-incumbency after two consecutive terms makes victory less certain. Fresh candidates are planned for many seats, but exceptions could be made if family has “winnability”. Union Minister Rao Inderjit Singh's daughter has already stated her intent to run with or without the party's backing.
Other top figures agitating for relatives include Union Minister Krishan Pal Gujjar seeking a seat for his son. MP Kiran Choudhry hopes her daughter receives nomination as she awaits election to the Rajya Sabha. MP Naveen Jindal's mother also hopes to regain her former ministerial position. Sources note two additional leaders request nominations for a nephew and son each.
A senior leader acknowledged the challenge of upholding the established norm while satisfying demands from political heavyweights. Final decisions will weigh multiple surveyed constituencies and prioritize electability above all else. Should family connections prove the best path to victory, exceptions may override the standard policy in selective circumstances. The BJP strategizes to combat anti-incumbency with a balanced mix of fresh and familiar faces across the Haryana ballot.