Punjab Governor Gulab Chand Kataria was admitted to a hospital in Udaipur, Rajasthan on Thursday evening after complaining of feeling unwell. Official sources shared that Mr. Kataria, who has been in his hometown of Udaipur for a few days, went to the hospital after experiencing some unease. Doctors ran standard tests overnight to determine the cause.
It is being reported that the Governor was discharged in the morning hours as the tests did not reveal any major health issues or causes for concern. Sources stated he left the medical facility after confirmation that his condition was stable.
While the specific nature of Mr. Kataria's symptoms last night remain unspecified, it seems the brief hospital visit was simply precautionary in nature. Thankfully, all indications from his evaluation are that the top constitutional head of Punjab is doing well now. No further details about his health status or checkup results have since emerged.
The story serves as a reminder of how even prominent political figures can sometimes experience moments of feeling unwell, leading to medical checks as a safety measure. In this case, it appears the Governor is back to full health following an overnight stay for observation and screening.