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EditorialAware children of predators!

Aware children of predators!



It is unacceptable that members of the teaching fraternity indulge in molesting students as in the last two weeks two such cases have surfaced making it necessary for the Administration and the society to take appropriate steps for safeguarding the children as the present set-up seems too exiguous in containing this horrendous . In this regard, a teacher has been held allegedly for molesting and sexually assaulting two minor students in the Srinagar district. The accused has been booked under POCSO Act and is in the custody of police. It is worth noting that this is the second incident of its kind reported in Srinagar city in the past two weeks. Earlier, a principal from a Higher Secondary School was arrested and suspended due to his alleged involvement in the sexual assault of girl students. Last month in May, two teachers were suspended for allegedly molesting a girl student inside a school in remote Chhatroo in Kishtwar district of Division.

The Union Territories of Jammu, Kashmir and has seen a rise in the number of registered cases in 2022. According to official sources, a total of 859 cases were registered, with 168 cases alone being registered in Jammu district. Out of these, 278 cases were registered under the POCSO Act, leading to the overall pending cases reaching 931. While 72 cases were disposed off during the year, leaving a pendency of 859 cases as of December 31, 2022, while compensation was only provided in 33 cases with 177 cases not receiving any victim compensation. This data highlights the increasing need to address pending cases and ensure adequate compensation for victims.

No record of investigations and filing of a charge have been shared in the public domain, but mere registration of FIRs can never deliver justice. When two UTs have almost nine hundred pending cases of Juvenile Justice, it is a serious matter that should be taken care of on a priority basis.

Going by such an alarming situation arising in the society it becomes imperative for the parents and other meaningful citizens to keep a vigil in the society to curb such crimes. The best precaution is to have regular interactions with the children with parents especially with girl children. Parents and guardians should educate the children about inappropriate acts of touching and double meaning gestures in their interaction with the outer world. The young ones are to be encouraged to snub any such advances and to speak and share anything inappropriate and untoward with the parents immediately. Ensuring the safety of students is of paramount importance. Collaborative efforts between educators, parents, and authorities are necessary to safeguard the well-being of students and create a safe learning environment.

A prompt and strict penal action in such crimes is also necessary for deterring the people having a corrupt mindset from indulging in such atrocious conduct. Those involved in such crimes can be taken to task only if the investigation and prosecution in such incidents are undertaken with honest and speedy manners. Sexual abuse of a child can have lifetime consequences and lead to a host of mental trauma and physical issues. Protecting children from sexual predators is vital and it is everyone's responsibility. One can help protect children from sexual abuse by being active in their lives and teaching them safety skills.


The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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