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    Opinions  Atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan

      Atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan


    Atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan

    Omkar Dattatray

    The very birth of the Pakistan state has been on the basis of the two nation theory. However the founder of Pakistan Ali Mohammad Jinnah after creation of Pakistan wanted it to be secular but it could not be so and remained a theocratic state in practice. From the day one of its formation the Hindu minorities have been living in fear and perpetual uncertainty and this policy of the Pakistani people and the government continues without respite and break irrespective of who rules Pakistan. There have been serious cases of Human rights violations on the Hindu minorities in Pakistan and it is not a new thing but is very unfortunate but the tragedy is that the Pakistan raises the so called violations of the kashmiris' by the Indian security forces in and it is double speak and unwarranted as the country has a track record of the human rights violations of the Hindu minorities. The case of Pakistan is akin to calling of the pot black by the kettle. The Hindus are persecuted in Pakistan and its women folk is forcibly married to Muslims and converted to Islam and this is the height of injustice on the Hindu minorities. There is no stop to the persecution of the Hindus in Pakistan and it has been the history of Pakistan that the Hindus are discriminated against and are treated like slaves and less than even second class citizens. It is very unfortunate and unbecoming the minority girls were abducted and forcibly married and converted to Islam it has no parallels in the modern day .The human rights violations against the Hindu minorities go on without any break and now under the Prime Minister Imran Khan the atrocities on the Hindu minorities have touched a zenith not withstanding his declarations. Recently Hindus in Sind villages were subjected to severe atrocities and the Hindu houses, shops and places of worship were burnt and the inmates beaten.  Not only where the Hindus beaten but Hindu girls were forcibly married to Muslims and thus forcibly converted to Islam. The Hindu houses and establishments were bulldozed and raised to the ground in Pakistan and the Hindus are thus a discriminated lot. There are severe human rights violations against the Hindu minorities and the Indian government should raise the issue of human rights violations and the atrocities on the world fora so that Pakistan is exposed before the world. Recently a Hindu girl namely Rinky kumari was abducted in a village in Sindh province and she was forcibly married to a Muslim boy without her consent and this is very unfortunate and should not have happened. The neighbouring country is indulging in human rights violations against the Hindu minorities and there is no break to this disturbing phenomenon and the Indian government should raise this issue before the UNO and other world bodies so that the Pakistan shuns such atrocities but given the track record of Pakistan it is unlikely that the Pakistan will stop decimation and atrocities on the minorities in Pakistan. Contrary to this in India minorities are well treated and are equal before the law and have freedom to practise their religion and have equal opportunities of development and there are programmes and packages solely for the minorities .But in Pakistan the Hindu minorities are virtually persecuted by the Pakistani regimes and the civilised world is shocked by this attitude of the Pakistani government however that country is not tired of the atrocities of the Hindu minorities. Hindus are step motherly treated in Pakistan and the persecutions and atrocities have been enormous and this should attract the attention of the world democracies so that Pakistan stops such obnoxious treatment with the minorities. There is great religious discrimination against the Hindus in Pakistan and the community should take note of this discrimination and persecution of the Hindus in Pakistan. The Pakistan government is not ashamed of its worst record of the human rights violations against the Hindus minorities but that country makes great hue and cry about the so called and false human rights violations of the Kashmiri Muslims and that country should see to its worst record of the human rights violations and not level unwarranted and baseless allegations on the Indian government and thus before speaking on the subject of the human rights violations and the atrocities that Pakistan heaps on the religious minorities it should not expose itself before the world. Any how the atrocities and religious discrimination have perhaps no parallels in the modern civilised world.

    (The writer is retired education officer and columnist)

    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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