The political temperature is soaring high in Haryana as Assembly polls are scheduled to be held later this year. The differences between the Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Sirsa MP Kumari Selja, Rajya Sabha MP Randeep Surjewala, and former Union minister Birender Singh) factions of the Haryana Congress have once again resurfaced in the run-up to the state polls. Congress is mostly banking on the leadership of former Chief Minister Bhupinder Hooda, who had run his ‘Haryana MaangeHisaab' campaign with his son and Lok Sabha MP Deepender Hooda in rural areas to attract voters. Kumari Shelja has emphasized on her Sandesh Yatra to connect with Haryana's urban voters. Shelja's group has projected her as the CM face in its meeting. However, the Congress will not project anyone as its chief ministerial face. Through the yatra, the message of Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi will be conveyed to every voter and they will be informed in detail about the BJP's misrule in the last 10 years.