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InternationalAre Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal importance fading?

Are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal importance fading?


As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex settle into their new lives in California after stepping back from frontline royal duties last year, experts say the couple may be diminishing in importance within the monarchy.

While Harry, 37, and Meghan, 40, remain members of the royal family, their relocation overseas and declaration of financial independence has necessarily distanced them from the day-to-day operations of the House of Windsor. With the Queen celebrating her Platinum Jubilee this year and marking 70 years on the throne at age 96, succession and legacy has become a key topic of discussion regarding the future of the monarchy.

According to royal commentators, Prince William and his wife Kate now undoubtedly hold the top position of importance, as they actively support the Queen in her duties as head of state and Commonwealth while also raising their three young children as the direct heirs to the throne. As the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge increasingly take on more prominent roles at key royal events, their visibility and involvement in public life enhances their influence within the family as well as popularity with the British people.

By contrast, Harry and Meghan’s actions over the past two years including their criticisms of the palace and decision to pursue financial freedom through commercial ventures like multimillion dollar Netflix and Spotify deals, signify that their priorities now lie elsewhere rather than with service to the crown. While their charitable work through the Archewell Foundation keeps them actively advocating for causes, the distance from their royal roles means they have less say in institutional matters relating to the future of the monarchy.

As time goes on and new generations of royals enter the scene, experts say it’s unlikely Harry and Meghan will ever regain the same level of significance or authority they once held as working members of the House of Windsor. For the monarchy’s sake, the reliable leadership of Prince William and Kate will prove far more essential in years to come than the celebrity status of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from across the ocean.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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