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Latest NewsBJP, Apni Party slam NC for boycotting delimitation exercise

BJP, Apni Party slam NC for boycotting delimitation exercise


BJP, Apni Party slam NC for boycotting delimitation exercise

NC has always resorted to ‘Bhangra Baazi': G H Mir

Nasir Azam

Srinagar, May 29 (KNO): The and unit of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday slammed Conference (NC) for boycotting the delimitation exercise in Jammu and Kashmir.

“They have always sabotaged democratic processes,” BJP's General Secretary (Organization), Ashok Koul told.

He said NC's decision against participation in delimitation won't have any impact on the exercise “The delimitation has to be carried out by three-member panel. The role of MPs is supportive in the exercise,” he said.

Former minister Ghulam Hassan Mir said delimitation is an important step for democratic process. “It is an important step. NC has always indulged in “Bhangra Baazi.”  Tomorrow, they will claim that report of the Commission is not fair.

There is perception among Kashmiris that seats of Kashmir would be decreased and seats of Jammu will be increased. Are not they skipping their responsibility? They should have defended and argued properly before the Commission that there is no disparity in allocation of seats,” he said.

He said they are defeating mandate of the people by boycotting the exercise. “It is unfortunate and undemocratic,” he said, adding that Apni Party requests government to make the commission inclusive by giving representation to regional parties.

“Kashmiris are closely watching the exercise as there is apprehension among them that it is being done to increase seats of Jammu and decrease seats of Kashmir,” he said. (KNO)

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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