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InternationalVeteran royal photographer shares difficult realities of photographing Prince Harry and Meghan...

Veteran royal photographer shares difficult realities of photographing Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding


Royal Photographer Reveals Harsh Realities Behind Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding Day

While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary recently, one veteran royal photographer shares his unfortunate experience covering their historic nuptials. Arthur Edwards, who has photographed the royal family for decades, spoke candidly about the difficulties faced on May 19th, 2018.

According to Edwards, the pressures of the high-profile event created an atmosphere that was far from pleasant. “It was a difficult day of working in challenging conditions with many obstacles,” he stated. Prince Harry was determined keep the press at a distance, limiting photography to long lenses from further away. This made capturing clear images very difficult. Adding to the struggles was the couple's disinterest in waving to onlookers, instead choosing to stare straight ahead as their carriage passed by.

Over the years, Prince Harry has expressed frustrations with media scrutiny of himself and those close to him. It's believed this played a part in his desire for extra privacy on his wedding day. However, Edwards felt this negatively impacted veteran professionals simply doing their to cover an important royal occasion. “As seasoned photojournalists, we aimed to document history in a respectful manner. But the that day prevented us from performing our roles to the best of our abilities,” he remarked.

While the wedding was celebrated worldwide as a fairytale event, Edwards' account provides a window into the behind-the-scenes challenges of that symbolic day. After six years of marriage, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex no doubt appreciate the significance of their union. However, for some who bore witness, the day also brought unintended difficulties due to factors outside their control. A balanced perspective reminds us that even momentous occasions are complicated by numerous realities behind closed doors.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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