Renowned Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal recently gained the much-coveted title of being dubbed as the ‘most desirable man' in the country. However, his brother and actor Sunny Kaushal shared how their mother humorously reacted to this achievement of Vicky.
In a recent interview, Sunny revealed that when Vicky returned from a US trip, he had put on some weight. Sunny blamed this on his habit of bingeing on pizzas and ice-creams with his American friends. It was around the same time reports came in of Vicky winning the ‘most desirable' label.
At this point, their mother saw the newspaper headline and remarked amusingly “Look at him, the so-called most desirable man has gained weight by just sitting around!”. With just a simple line, she comically summed up the irony of Vicky gaining pounds despite his new title.
Sunny also spoke of other funny childhood tales involving their strict yet loving parents during an appearance with Vicky on a comedy TV show. From incidents of beatings to other amusing antidotal stories, the brother duo had the live audience in splits recounting their family memories.
Both Vicky and Sunny have carved independent paths in Bollywood and enjoy a strong fan base thanks to their acting skills and charming personality. The anecdotesShared by them offer a glimpse of the bond and humorthat exists in their family ties.