In a setback for the talented duo of Ajay Devgn and Tabu, their recently released romantic thriller “Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha” failed to leave a mark on the crucial fourth day of its theatrical run. According to reports, the Neeraj Pandey directorial witnessed a significant drop in its box office collections on Monday as compared to the weekend, garnering only about Rs. 1 crore.
While the film saw a slight increase in numbers on Sunday, it couldn't maintain the momentum on Monday. As per trade analysts, the Monday collection of “Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha” was around 62% lesser than its Sunday business. To date, the total domestic box office earnings of the film currently stand at approximately Rs. 7.79 crore.
It's worth noting that other popular Bollywood releases like “Deadpool” and “Bad Newwz” had raked in around Rs. 6.75 crore and Rs. 3.5 crore respectively on their first Mondays. So, the underwhelming performance of “Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha” on the crucial fourth day doesn't bode too well for its prospects going forward.
However, the film did marginally better than Janhvi Kapoor starrer “Ulajh”, which could only mint around Rs. 57 lakh on the same day. But given its high budget of Rs. 100 crore, the numbers collected so far will surely disappoint the makers. With lukewarm word-of-mouth and weak promotions, it remains to be seen if Devgn and Tabu's romantic thriller can recover lost ground in the coming days.