When actor John Abraham started his career in Bollywood, he had only Rs. 550 in his bank account. Little did he know that in a few years, his perseverance and talent would make him one of the biggest action stars in the industry today. Recently, John opened up about his humble beginnings and how he has made it big all by himself in Mumbai without any support from industry power players.
In a 2010 interview, John reflected on his initial struggles after entering films 7 years ago. He shared that despite delivering successful movies like Dhoom and Garam Masala, there was always skepticism around his potential. According to John, sustaining himself in the business was a challenge at the start since he didn't have backing from any established production houses. However, he preferred proving his mettle through performances instead of relying on nepotism or favors from influential people.
John's determination to stand on his own feet can be gauged from the fact that when he began his acting journey, the balance in his bank account was a mere Rs. 550. With a monthly salary of just Rs. 4,800 in 2003, survival in expensive Mumbai seemed like an uphill task. But John's grit and confidence in his skills helped him overcome financial difficulties. Even today, he takes pride in not being beholden to anyone in Bollywood.
In a recent podcast, John opened up about continuing to live a middle-class lifestyle despite his success. He shared that all his possessions can fit in a single suitcase and prefers keeping things simple. John also talked about how his senior parents use public transport daily, reflecting the values he imbibed while growing up.
From starting with next to nothing to headlining big-ticket films alongside A-listers like Shah Rukh Khan, John Abraham's story is inspirational for countless aspiring outsiders. His rising career graph stands proof that hardwork and talent can indeed triumph over superficial struggles in the long run.