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Jammu KashmirTerrorists attack RPF men at Tea Stall,

Terrorists attack RPF men at Tea Stall,


One fells to bullets, other injured  

Srinagar, Apr 18: A railway protection force constable was killed while another one injured in a militant attack at Kakapora area of Pulwama district, police said Monday.

An official told that two cops of railway police of Kakapora Railway station were at a tea stall outside railway station when they were attacked by militants.

He said that in the incident both HC Surinder Singh and SI Dev Raj received critical injuries and Singh died before reaching to hospital while as Dev Raj was shifted to tertiary care hospital Srinagar where his condition is stated as critical.

Meanwhile area has been cordoned off to nab the attackers.  zone police in a tweet said: “Militants fired upon RPF personnel at Kakapora, #Pulwama. In this # incident, two RPF personnel sustained bullet injuries & were evacuated to hospital, where 01 RPF personnel succumbed & attained #martyrdom. Area cordoned off.”


The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.


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