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EntertainmentSaba Azad discusses unexpected career setbacks from dating Hrithik Roshan and societal...

Saba Azad discusses unexpected career setbacks from dating Hrithik Roshan and societal assumptions


Singer opens up about unintended career consequences of her relationship

Most readers would be familiar with talented singer and actor Saba Azad's acclaimed work in both music and films over the years. While continuing to pursue her passions, she also began a relationship with fellow artist Hrithik Roshan a few years ago. Recently though, Azad has shared her realization that this relationship might have negatively impacted her career in an unexpected way.

In her own words posted online, Azad explained how she used to average around 6-7 lucrative voiceover per month. However, this number gradually decreased, leaving her puzzled as to what changed aside from her personal life. When directly asking a director why he believed she may not be interested in such work now, the implication was clear – that her romance with Roshan meant she no longer needed to earn an income.

This unfair assumption cost Azad dearly, as opportunities dried up without her consent or knowledge. She lost “a whole career” she took pride in, solely due to others wrongly projecting their expectations onto her situation. Azad was left frustrated, given that two independent people in a relationship do not forfeit their professional identities or means of support.

Through her honest reflections, Azad aims to dispel the misguided notion that a woman dating a successful partner automatically gains financial dependence. Independence, personal fulfillment and providing for oneself and family remain important to many in modern relationships. By speaking up, she hopes decision makers reconsider preconceived biases and give her the fair chance to showcase her talents that she deserves. Azad's voice highlights how archaic prejudices can still inhibit career progress today if left unaddressed.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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