Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh has publicly backed shuttler Lakshya Sen after the young Indian player's less than ideal performance at the recent Paris Olympics. Sen, just 22, had reached the semi-finals in the men's singles category but lost a chance at a bronze medal after failing to sustain an early lead in his playoff match.
This development disappointed badminton legend and Sen's father-in-law Prakash Padukone, who felt players need to work harder to convert opportunities into medals at the biggest sporting stage. Padukone's remarks implied that Indian athletes may need to push boundaries further with their training routines and dedication levels.
However, Ranveer Singh chose to take a more empathetic view and threw his support behind Sen. In a social media post praising the shuttler's talent and determination, the Bollywood actor pointed out that Sen came very close to a medal in a sport where tiny margins often determine the outcome of high-pressure matches. Singh also highlighted that Sen has many promising years still ahead of him at just 22 years of age.
This show of encouragement from Singh is significant given his close family ties to Padukone through marriage to the legendary player's daughter, Deepika Padukone. While Padukone understandably wants to see Indian athletes maximize potential on the Olympic stage, Singh believes it's important to acknowledge younger players' efforts and continued scope for growth as well. Sen will surely draw motivation from such backing as he prepares to make a strong comeback on the international circuit.