Director Mukesh Chhabra, who is helming the casting for Nitesh Tiwari's ambitious retelling of the Ramayana, has provided a unique lens through which to view the multi-layered character of Raavan. In an interview, when asked about the traits considered for the role which is rumored to be played by South star Yash, Chhabra shed new light on the demons' motivations.
While acknowledging Raavan's evil and vengeful nature, Chhabra posited that his thirst for vengeance also stemmed from a place of love – that for his sister Surpanakha who was disfigured by Lakshman. “He had to do what he had to do for his sister. In that sense, his actions were justified from his perspective” stated the director. By highlighting Raavan's humane urge to protect family in addition to his sinister deeds, Chhabra has given the famed antagonist a sense of nuance and complexity not usually associated with his role.
The comments come amid much anticipation around the film's ambitious retelling of the epic from many different angles. However, discussing the complex topic also raises concerns in today's polarized climate which the director is mindful of. With a stellar cast led by Ranbir Kapoor and meticulous research, Ramayana aims to present varied perspectives in a sensitive yet engaging manner.