Deepika Padukone, who is due to welcome her little one next month, was recently spotted stepping out for a relaxed family dinner in Mumbai. The mom-to-be was all smiles as she spent some quality time with husband Ranveer Singh's close relatives ahead of her delivery date.
In videos circulating online, the 36-year-old actress can be seen dressed casually yet stylishly in a black dress and matching jacket. She kept her look simple yet elegant with open hair, minimal accessories and neutral makeup. Deepika was seen entering the restaurant escorted by Ranveer's sister and mother.
Though Ranveer missed out on the intimate gathering, Deepika seemed to thoroughly enjoy bonding with her growing family members over a relaxing meal. Ever since announcing her pregnancy in February, the actress has been frequently spotted on outings, indicating she has been able to maintain an active lifestyle in her third trimester as well.
Deepika and Ranveer, who tied the knot in 2018 after dating for six years, are awaiting the arrival of their first child. The private couple had shared sketches of baby-related items declaring their happy news earlier this year.
On the work front, fans will see Deepika's next major role opposite Ajay Devgn in Rohit Shetty's cop drama Singham Again. She also has a prominent part in Ranveer's upcoming period film. Fans are eagerly awaiting to welcome her bundle of joy as well as catch her on screen again after her maternity break.