Jammu, Aug 28: Amid preparations for the upcoming J&K elections, Democratic Progressive Azad Party Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad announced that he will no longer participate in campaigning activities due to ongoing health issues. According to a statement released on August 28th, the veteran leader experienced severe chest pains while in Srinagar two nights prior and was urgently flown to AIIMS hospital in New Delhi for treatment the following day.
While doctors confirmed Azad's condition was not immediately life-threatening, he cited other unspecified ongoing medical concerns requiring both medication and rest. Regretfully withdrawing from the campaign trail, Azad thanked supporters for their well-wishes as he focuses on recovery. He urged DPAP candidates to independently evaluate how his absence may impact electability, assuring freedom to withdraw nominations if necessary without this impacting party membership.
Azad, a distinguished figure in J&K politics for decades including as former Chief Minister, lent considerable experience and acumen expected to bolster DPAP's prospects. However, removed from direct campaign involvement due to unforeseen health issues just prior to polls, the full extent of any effect on outcomes remains uncertain. Voters now await how individual candidates adapt messaging and strategy to optimize voter engagement despite missing Azad's influential on-ground presence.
Prominent J&K Leader Ghulam Nabi Azad Forced to End Campaigning Due to Health Issues