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Latest NewsPower Engineers Demand Punjab Govt Reconsider Free-Power Policy Amid Surge

Power Engineers Demand Punjab Govt Reconsider Free-Power Policy Amid Surge


The scorching summer heat and ongoing paddy transplantation season has resulted in electricity usage reaching an all-time peak in over the last few days. According to power officials, demand has consistently exceeded 15,500 Megawatts (MW) – breaking last year's record.

The ongoing heatwave coupled with round-the-clock irrigation of paddy fields has put immense pressure on the power sector. To prevent grid failures due to high demand, engineers have urged the state government to implement urgent measures.

In a to authorities, the All Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) highlighted the need to optimize usage during peak hours. Recommendations included temporarily reducing office timings and advancing closure of commercial establishments. They also asked for better enforcement against power theft and reviewing free electricity policies.

Agencies fear demand could surge over 16,500 MW in the coming weeks as sowing activities are in full swing. Last summer, the maximum requirement was just 15,325 MW. “Any further spike of 1,200 MW can destabilize the grid,” warned an official.

The AIPEF has likewise requested additional power allocation from central pools. They stated the date for sowing should be shifted to end-June to even out demand. Restricting water-intensive varieties could help conserve supplies.

Overall, the extreme heat and widespread sowing across canals has created unprecedented pressure on Punjab's power sector. Urgent steps are needed to efficiently manage usage and secure extra supplies to meet rising needs.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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