Nick Jonas was all praise for his wife Priyanka Chopra as they walked the red carpet together at the premiere of his upcoming film ‘The Good Half' in Los Angeles. Visibly in love, the duo turned heads and won hearts with their affectionate display.
Sources say the film tells the story of a man returning home after his mother's demise, seeking to heal old wounds and forge new bonds. Nick plays the leading role and has cited Priyanka's input as invaluable in helping craft his performance.
Eyewitnesses share that Nick was seen holding Priyanka's hand gently as he guided her towards the media awaiting them. Clearly comfortable in each other's company after years together, the couple smiled lovingly while posing for photographs. Priyanka even tenderly caressed Nick's cheek in a sweet moment captured on camera.
In remarks to the press, Nick had only positive things to say about Priyanka's role in contributing to the movie. Her experience as both an prolific actor and skilled producer meant her feedback was extremely valuable in honing the project, he noted. Nick also said that he “trusts her judgment implicitly” due to their close partnership over the years.
Fans on social media were delighted by the pair's affectionate PDA on the red carpet. Many commented on Priyanka's elegant figure-hugging gown and the obvious care and admiration the two stars still have for one another after their long relationship. With their striking looks and evident camaraderie, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra continue to capture interest whenever they appear publicly as one of entertainment's most recognized power couples.