Ravi Teja's upcoming crime drama Mr Bachchan, which is slated for a grand release on Independence Day, went through some major modifications following concerns raised by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). According to reports, the censor board asked the makers to replace a iconic poster from the film that featured the legendary duo of Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha.
Instead of this celebrated pairing which left an indelible mark on audiences, the CBFC recommended showcasing Big B with his real-life partner Jaya Bachchan in the closing credits. This was one of the significant amendments the Harish Shankar directorial had to incorporate before receiving its UA certification.
A few other changes included adding disclaimers to clarify that any resemblance to real events or individuals was purely coincidental. Some strong language and a brief scene containing violence were also trimmed. Another modification involved substituting a pencil for a beedi being smoked by a child actor in order to make the depiction more appropriate for families.
These alterations followed a detailed review of the Ravi Teja starrer, which is the official Telugu remake of the critically-acclaimed Bollywood hit Raid. With the support of the censor board now in place, the high-octane entertainer promises edge-of-the-seat action and drama as the Mass Maharaja takes on a fearsome villainess in his role as a tough and diligent police officer.
Mr Bachchan hits theaters on August 15 alongside another major Tollywood release Double iSmart headlined by Ram Pothineni and Sanjay Dutt. With its talented cast and crew, reimagined content and patriotic release date, it hopes to enthral audiences this independence day weekend.