In a bizarre twist, an anonymous street artist known as Banksy may have become a victim of theft themselves after one of their recent works vanished from a South London rooftop overnight.
The distinctive stencil image depicted a howling wolf surrounded by a satellite dish that had appeared just hours earlier on the roof of a Peckham building. Posted on the artist's Instagram with their trademark cryptic style, it marked the fourth such artwork to surface across the capital in under a week.
Security footage later emerged showing three unidentified individuals scaling the property under cover of darkness and removing the satellite dish complete with Banksy's subversive addition. Their motives remain unclear, though speculation is rife the stolen piece could fetch a high price from private collectors if authentically verified.
While Banksy's true identity continues to mystify, their politically and socially-charged street art has become globally renowned. From critiques of authority to environmental messages, each new surprise appearance generates widespread interest. The recent spate in London is thought by some to reference ongoing unrest both at home and abroad.
Wherever the missing satellite dish ends up, it underscores the delicate line often trodden by anonymous street artists whose work commands huge valuations once removed from public display. In Banksy, an underground legend appears to have met their match on the streets they once owned. Only time will tell if this audacious theft marks the end of one chapter or just the beginning of another in their enduring guerrilla culture crusade.