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Jammu KashmirMoody's warns India's worsening water crisis poses major economic challenge

Moody’s warns India’s worsening water crisis poses major economic challenge


's Looming Water Woes Pose Serious Risk to Economic

India is grappling with a worsening water crisis that has far-reaching implications for the country's economic stability according to a recent report by Moody's Investors Service. The credit ratings agency warns that prolonged water shortages across sectors could negatively impact agricultural production and industrial operations, fuel inflation, and potentially spark social unrest.

Moody's analysis points out that India's per capita water availability has been declining steadily and is expected to fall below critical thresholds in the coming years. With climate change exacerbating weather extremes, the country is facing increasing disruptions to supply from heatwaves, floods and erratic monsoon patterns.

The twin challenges of rising demand from a growing population and constrained supply have already led to frequent shortages over summer months in many regions. Key industrial hubs and farming communities have borne the brunt in past years. Moody's notes any disruptions to farm output or price spikes in essential goods could dent household purchasing power.

On the fiscal front, increased subsidies to offset higher food bills have contributed to past deficits. With over two-thirds of the population dependent on , sustained water stress portends risks to growth, income and social cohesion according to the report.

While the government is ramping up investment in infrastructure and promoting more efficient usage, Moody's believes the nature of the crisis demands urgent and coordinated action across multiple fronts. More sustainable solutions and tapping alternative sources will be crucial to bolstering India's credit health in the long-run, especially as urbanization continues apace. The emerging market for green fundraising indicates wider awareness of impending climate and water risks.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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