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TechnologyMicrosoft Build 2024 to Highlight Latest Advances in AI Technologies

Microsoft Build 2024 to Highlight Latest Advances in AI Technologies


Major companies have been placing significant focus on developments in the realm of artificial intelligence in recent times. Continuing this trend, Microsoft's annual developer conference – Build 2024 – will once again emphasize the company's ongoing work pertaining to AI-based technologies. Scheduled to take place in Seattle from May 21-25, the event will feature keynote announcements from CEO Satya Nadella as well as showcase new tools and features aimed at developers, businesses and consumers.

With the theme “How will AI shape your future?”, Microsoft Build 2024 is primed to give attendees and viewers insights into the Redmond-based firm's strategic AI-centered vision. Livestreamed sessions will delve into Microsoft's plans for augmenting experiences and functionality across Windows, Office and other core products through advanced machine learning capabilities. Hardware developments also appear to be on the agenda, with leads pointing to debuts in the ARM-powered laptop category.

For users, announcements concerning next-gen Windows devices fueled by Qualcomm's latest processor platforms are highly anticipated. Leaks indicate dual x86 and ARM-powered Surface devices may be launched. The general public could be introduced to new ways of interacting with AI through innovations like chatbot service Copilot. Developers may receive previews of upgraded Azure cloud-based tools engineered for AI-driven app and solution creation.

Overall, Microsoft Build 2024 promises to offer a peek into where AI is driving the organization and its partners. With rivals actively bolstering similar intelligent tech resources, the conference will serve as a forum to reaffirm Microsoft's dedication to remaining at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

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