After years of holding influential positions in cricket administration in India, Jay Shah has now risen to the top role worldwide after being elected unopposed as the new chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC). The 35-year-old will assume the position starting December, becoming the youngest person to lead the sport's governing body.
Shah's journey has seen him progressively take on greater responsibilities over the past decade and a half. His career began in 2009 with roles at the state and national levels in India. He proved his leadership qualities while spearheading crucial infrastructure and development projects.
Some of his boldest initiatives included the extensive redevelopment of a major stadium and establishment of the pioneering women's T20 league. Both efforts have paid rich dividends for the game. As the head of both the Asian and global cricket bodies, Shah has skillfully steered strategically important matters from rights to regulations.
Under his guidance, the sport has witnessed unprecedented growth both on and off the field. Landmark events were successfully delivered even during a worldwide health crisis. Players are now better compensated with new pay structures. Historic achievements have crowned India's rise on the international stage as well.
With his wealth of experience across administrative, commercial and competitive cricket, Shah is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. At a pivotal time, his visionary approach will be instrumental in taking the world's most followed game to even greater heights on the global stage.