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Japan grapples with surge in rare but deadly flesh-eating infection STSS – is global spread next?


Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacteria Cases Surge in Japan, But is the Rest of at Risk?

With restrictions lifting across Japan, social activity has increased – and so too has transmission of a rare but often fatal infection. New data reveals close to 1000 cases this year of Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS), a frightening bacterial disease capable of causing organ failure and death within just 48 hours.

STSS occurs when the Group A Streptococcus bacteria invade the bloodstream, releasing harmful toxins that trigger a dangerous overreaction from the immune system. This “cytokine storm” leads to widespread inflammation and fast-spreading tissue damage known as necrosis. Without prompt treatment, multiple organ dysfunction can develop swiftly as the bacteria spread throughout the body.

Experts note rising STSS cases coincide with receding COVID curbs in Japan. As people socialize more, risk of common Group A Strep infections grows – and some then progress to life-threatening STSS, especially in older adults. Heightened transmission fuels greater chances of the most severe outcomes.

But how exactly does STSS cause such mayhem? The toxins disrupt immunity while stimulating excessive and harmful inflammation. Tissues deteriorate rapidly as blood flow cuts off. Victims can experience excruciating pain and even go into shock. Only rapid identification and intervention stands a chance of survival against the bacterial onslaught.

Japanese authorities are enhancing monitoring, and hygiene standards to slow STSS's spread. Yet travel means other nations might see imported cases. Good handwashing and treating wounds promptly could help curb risk. Doctors and public bodies worldwide should learn from Japan's actions to strengthen readiness for any future occurrence. With lives potentially at stake after just 48 hours, preparation and prevention matter most in fighting flesh-eating disease.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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