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International Yoga Day 2024: Strengthen Your Arms with These Yoga Asanas

Yoga Day 2024: From the Warrior II pose to Adho Mukha Svanasana, here is a list of yoga asanas that can help in sculpting and toning the arms.

International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga impacts the body and mind positively. It helps in enhancing flexibility, boosting strength and mobility, and improving heart . Yoga also has significant benefits in the way it affects our thoughts and mood, open our minds to fresh perspectives and make us feel good. Yoga also helps us to feel grounded and relaxed, thereby making our nervous system feel safer. Arm strength is important for daily activities in our lives, and with yoga asanas, we can achieve that.

This asana helps in strengthening the upper body and elongating the spine. It also helps in strengthening hands, wrists and fingers.

This asana helps in toning the hips and strengthening the lower back and the hips. It also engages the core and strengthens it. Since we need to balance our body on our toes and our arms, it helps in strengthening the arms as well.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose):

The Chaturanga Dandasana helps to strengthen the arm muscles, enhances shoulder stability and develops wrist strength.

Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana):

This asana helps in strengthening and stretching the upper back and legs. It also helps in engaging and strengthening the core muscles.

Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II):

The Warrior II pose helps in stretching the hips and the shoulders, and opening up the chest and the lungs. Performing the Warrior II pose every day helps in boosting stamina and concentration. It works in establishing overall balance and stability in the body.

“Incorporating these yoga poses into your regular routine can help you sculpt and tone your arms while also improving overall strength and flexibility. Practice with mindfulness and proper alignment to maximise the benefits of each pose, and remember to listen to your body and only go as far as feels comfortable for you,” added the yoga expert.

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