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How Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao maintain a peaceful co-parenting relationship post divorce


When co-parents find harmony: Lessons from Aamir-Kiran's relationship

Life gives us unexpected challenges at times which require difficult decisions to be made. For celebrated stars Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao, their journey of 15 years together came to a crossroads a while ago when they decided to part ways legally while choosing to remain good colleagues and responsible parents to their child Azad.

In a past interview, Kiran opened up about what led to the divorce, acknowledging the need for her own space. Despite the personal transformation in their relationship dynamic, she reiterated their strong bond and deep love and respect for each other remained unchanged.

Navigating relationships post separation becomes immensely complex especially with children involved. Maintaining a peaceful co-parenting then turns crucial for the healthy development of the kids. According to renowned psychiatrist Dr. Parth Nagda, being amicable with an ex can be challenging given unresolved feelings may linger. However, he highlighted the substantial pros when both move on emotionally and set clear boundaries. A supportive co-parenting unit can act as an additional system while preserving connections important for the child's nurturing upbringing.

Offering valuable co-parenting tips, Dr. Nagda stressed on the significance of detachment, respectful communication strictly related to parenting, establishing expectations, respecting each other's styles, prioritizing self-care, avoiding conflicts around kids and addressing new partners' insecurities. The ultimate goal, he said, should be a dynamic where everyone's well-being and growth is promoted.

Aamir and Kiran seem to have internalized these lessons well, steadily finding their rhythm as dedicated parents and important presences in each other's lives, becoming a perfect example of prioritizing what truly matters – the interest of their child.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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