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    The strong statement made by PM Narendra Modi in the US to combat terrorism at all levels without any exceptions should be taken by the very seriously because the scourge of violence has slowly gripped the whole world with hardly any country remaining unaffected. To contain the terrorism, the United Nations can play a significant role as suggested by the PM by declaring the terror mongers as global terrorists and combating this issue by all the member states jointly. The UN is a powerful body and the voice against terrorism should come out from this platform by tagging the countries abetting violence on one pretext or another. Looking at the situation in South Asia, China is supporting Pakistan, which is termed as hub of terrorism by many world leaders or factory of producing terrorists, which in turn promotes terrorism in especially J&K. Again the links of Pakistani terrorists with Taliban are world known although Pakistan's closeness with Taliban has boomeranged badly and it has become a headache for the government of Pakistan, which is still unsure whether it should support these terrorists or not. In the present circumstances, the US has also emerged as a big hypocrite by adopting dual standards as its response to supporters of terrorism is relative and depends on the relations with countries promoting terrorism. In simple words, if anyone attacks a US friendly country then it calls it a terrorist attack but in case the victim country is an adversary of the US, it prefers to keep mum. The US should understand that spreading terror in whatever form is terrorism and it should not be categorized on the basis of religion, ethnicity, etc. It is a global problem that needs to be handled and dealt with sternly. The statement by PM Modi while addressing the US Congress that there should be no ifs and buts in dealing terrorism holds much significance and countries like the US should mend their ways and toe a line which is universal in dealing the scourge of terrorism. Countries that harbour and support terrorists must be held accountable, regardless of their relationships. The global community will come together and take preemptive measures to prevent any further spread of terrorism. We must stand together in the fight against terrorism and put an end to this senseless violence once and for all. It's time for the entire world to stand united and make a change, for the sake of our future generations.


    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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