The prestigious Vande Bharat Express Trains have become pride of the country because of the comfort and efficacy these fast moving rakes have promised and it is the responsibility of one and all in the country to help the authorities to further improve the facility rather than hindering the efforts of government to modernize railways for satiating petty causes.
One thing in case of Vande Bharat series is that the trains reach their destinations in lesser times than their counterparts (express and super fast trains) not only due to their high speeds but also because of substantially reducing the number of halting stations. It is for sure that if those manning the operations of Vande Bharat trains will succumb to regional pressure of stopping these trains at more stations then the outcome would be disappointing because the new facility will lose the sheen of commuting people in record times.
In this context, the report hogging the headlines of local newspapers in J&K about Vande Bharat Trains getting nod to halt at Udhampur and Kathua stations is something which should not be celebrated rather it is matter of concern because political pressure has marred the spirit of this coveted project started by Indian Railways under the realms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
To understand this issue more deeply, one can consider the case of bullet trains because if these ultra fast trains envisaged by PM Modi for India would also face the local pressure supported by politicians like in the case of Vande Bharat trains in J&K and were forced to stop after every 50 to 100 miles, then there would be hardly any difference between the ever existing express trains on Indian soil and the upcoming generations of new technology ultra fast trains.
It is therefore matter to ponder because if the MPs of all constituencies falling on the routes of Vande Bharat trains will seek stoppage at various stations, these fast moving trains will take no time to become akin to the existing trains which seldom reach their destinations in time.
Going by these hard facts, the people at the first place should not raise such demands and in case a demand is raised the concerned politicians should make it a point to convince people not to ask for such favours which in the long run will act as bottlenecks against the progress of the country.