Celebrated Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia recently reflected on her marriage to superstar Rajesh Khanna in an unearthed interview. Kapadia married Khanna in 1973 when she was just 15 years old. In speaking about that period now, the accomplished actress has characterized the marriage as “traumatic.”
In comments from 1994, Kapadia shared that she joined the wedding at an extremely young age. “I was probably very young to comprehend what was occurring to this man who was a giant star,” she said. Kapadia noted that as someone who never attained stardom herself, she struggled to relate to the behavior and pressures Khanna faced in the limelight.
When asked directly if the period of marriage was disturbing for her, Kapadia simply responded “Yes, it was.” She detailed not having the maturity then to understand Khanna, who was at the peak of his prominent career during their union. As is common for those in the entertainment industry, Khanna found it difficult to manage the ups and downs of success. According to reports, this turbulence negatively impacted his marriage.
Though they did not formally divorce, Kapadia and Khanna lived separately for many years. Kapadia has said she was disillusioned after hoping married life would match the fantasy depicted in movies, only to find that is not reality. The acclaimed star, now in her 60s, has gained perspective on her early relationship through the lens of experience.
Her candid reflection demonstrates how even major celebrities face challenges navigating the personal effects of fame, stardom and notoriety especially during formative years. Kapadia's insightful comments provide a revealing glimpse into her challenging earlier relationship.