Chief Minister Nayab Singh Sains issued a stern warning against the ‘Haryana Mange Hisaab' campaign launched by the Congress party, claiming it aims to confuse voters with baseless claims. Addressing a public rally in Ambala City yesterday, the CM stated the former rulers were refusing to be transparent about their decade-long tenure while unjustly demanding answers from the incumbent administration.
“Leaders of the Congress are circulating fabrications and illusions among citizens in the run-up to the state polls. Former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda and his son Deepender Hooda seek accountability, yet shy away from revealing their own track record,” remarked Mr. Sains. Recalling the immense growth witnessed under the BJP-led government, he highlighted pro-people initiatives in jobs, MSP for 24 crops, and housing for deprived classes.
The chief minister urged electorates to repose confidence in the saffron party by voting decisively. “We have ensured development encompassing all sections without bias. The state progressed rapidly in the last ten years under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visionary guidance,” he added.
Joining the ruling outfit, industrialist Balbir Singh expressed hope in its development agenda. Local MLA Aseem Goel too credited the government for Ambala's infrastructural transformation. BJP leaders emphasized continued support was vital to take Haryana farther on the path of progress.