Renowned Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt, who overcame lung cancer four years ago, has opened up about his intense daily fitness routine that aims to support his respiratory health. In a recent interview, the veteran actor shared that despite his cancer history, he spends three hours each day exercising to strengthen his lungs.
Describing his workout habits, Dutt stated that he can perform 50 pushups in a single set. Medical experts note that demonstrating such pushup capacity is linked with substantially lower risk of cardiovascular issues. Consultant neurologist Dr. Sudhir Kumar explained that research correlates the ability to do over 40 pushups continuously with a 96% reduction in cardiovascular events versus individuals managing under 10 repetitions.
While regular exercise yields various health advantages, Dr. Kumar observes Dutt's three-hour daily regimen may surpass common recommendations. Most adults see benefits from 90-180 minutes weekly of resistance training. Extensive durations could paradoxically impact wellbeing. Nonetheless, diligent routines aid muscle retention and better insulin sensitivity in older age groups, reducing diabetes and hypertension risk over time.
When recovering from illness, targeted exercise supports functional recovery and overall quality of life. With Dutt's workout focusing on lung expansion post-cancer therapy, medical experts agree a strengths-based program can promote wellness for survivors moving forward.