Bollywood actress Hina Khan, who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for stage 3 breast cancer, took to social media this week to ask her many fans and followers for advice on managing a common side effect she is experiencing – mucositis.
In an Instagram post, Khan opened up about how she has been struggling with mouth sores and throat inflammation caused by the chemotherapy drugs, making it difficult to eat or speak at times. She expressed frustration at not being able to eat properly due to the painful symptoms.
Mucositis, which affects the mucosal lining of the digestive tract including the mouth and throat, is a frequent complication of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The damage to rapidly dividing healthy cells in the mucous membranes leaves them vulnerable to ulcers and inflammation. This can significantly impact a patient's quality of life through issues like weight loss, infections, nutrition problems, and more.
Experts confirm that certain chemotherapy agents are more likely to cause mucositis. Care involves good oral hygiene, pain medications, and nutritional support if needed. Managing symptoms early on also helps treatment proceed more smoothly.
Khan's brave decision to share her struggle could help raise awareness of such debilitating side effects and provide comfort to others facing similar challenges. Readers have responded with a flood of get-well messages and tips for remedies like certain mouthwashes or alternative therapies said to promote healing. The outpouring of support will no doubt boost the star's spirit as she tackles this difficult phase of her cancer journey.