Famous Bollywood star Bobby Deol recently opened up about a childhood drinking habit that gave him digestive issues. In a recent interview, the Animal actor recalled consuming a massive 7-8 glasses of milk on a daily basis when younger.
Deol fondly remembers having a special tall glass gifted to his father Dharmendra, which he would use to maximize his milk intake. However, he now restricts himself to just one glass as he's realized the cause of past digestive troubles.
We consulted dietary experts to understand the effects of such high milk consumption. They informed that while milk provides key nutrients, too much can pose health risks. For children, excessive amounts risk weight gain and lactose intolerance in some cases.
Adults face even greater risks like heart issues since milk contains saturated fat linked to raised cholesterol. The extra calories also make weight gain more likely. Diabetics need to be cautious of high sugar levels from milk sugars.
Excessive calcium intake too can hinder absorption of other minerals. Most commercial cattle are injected with growth hormones concerning for cancer risk. The nutritionists recommend limiting fat and choosing lactose-free milk if needed to balance health.
Bobby Deol's revelation acts as a reminder that while milk has benefits, moderation is best for optimal well-being. One should find what works with individual needs under medical guidance. His story highlights the importance of a balanced diet over extremes.