The political drama film “Ulajh” starring Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role failed to perform at the box office as expected. Gulshan Devaiah, who also starred in the film, addressed the weak commercial run of the movie in a recent interview.
Gulshan said it's difficult to pinpoint the exact reason behind the film's box office failure. According to him, there are many aspects that contribute to a movie's success like star power, ticket prices, competition from other films. He remarked that even some of the popular star Salman Khan's films haven't always fared well commercially.
The actor acknowledged that audience interest and expectations from a film are influenced by its stars. People look forward to watching movies starring celebrities like Salman Khan, Rajkummar Rao and Alia Bhatt. However, occasionally their films also underperform.
Speaking about “Ulajh”, Gulshan said the movie might not have appealed effectively to moviegoers. Factors such as promotional trailers and word-of-mouth could have impacted its box office collection. He added that at times filmmakers' best efforts may not translate into desired results.
Gulshan noted competition in the movie business has risen sharply. Audiences can now watch films on OTT platforms for a lower price than visiting theaters. While this has improved access, it has also led to fewer people choosing a theater viewing experience.
In summary, the actor felt it's difficult to pinpoint one single reason for “Ulajh's” box office failure. According to him, a combination of the film's content, promotion, star power and industry trends might have contributed to its weak performance.