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TechnologyOpenAI denies replicating Scarlett Johansson's voice for AI model contrary to actress'...

OpenAI denies replicating Scarlett Johansson’s voice for AI model contrary to actress’ claims


Artificial Intelligence giant denies copying star's voice for AI assistant

In a surprising development, OpenAI has denied claims that it recreated Oscar-nominated actress Scarlett Johansson's iconic voice for its conversational AI model ChatGPT. The tech company is facing allegations that the voice of ChatGPT's virtual assistant ‘Sky' sounds suspiciously similar to Johansson, despite her turning down an offer to license it. However, new details suggest the hiring process began before even approaching the Marvel star.

Reports indicate OpenAI conducted extensive voice trials long before contacting Johansson. Documents reveal an actress was selected for the role of ‘Sky' months prior, with no mention of modeling the voice after anyone in particular. Moreover, the agent of the voice artist hired confirms Johansson's name was never brought up during discussions.

While the Hollywood star insists being approached to lend her voice only to then hear it replicated without consent, the timeline puts forth a different narrative. It raises questions on the veracity of the claims rather than any intentional similarities. As AI systems get increasingly advanced, the lines around proprietary ownership of talent likeness also get blurred.

As the debate rages on, industry watchers say such situations emphasize the need for clear guidelines on leveraging human attributes without consent. With AI becoming mainstream, both creators and talent must arrive at equitable understandings to unlock the true potential while respecting individual rights. For now, OpenAI has removed ‘Sky' to avoid further speculation, though denying any wrongdoing in the initial development process. Only a detailed independent investigation may lend clearer perspectives on this intriguing AI versus artist confrontation.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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