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Life StyleBollywood star Akshay Kumar shares his peaceful early morning routine

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar shares his peaceful early morning routine


superstar Akshay Kumar's morning routine revealed

Fans of Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar are well aware of his disciplined lifestyle and dedication to fitness. However, the actor recently opened up about how he likes to spend his mornings, and it may surprise some. In a recent interview with Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan, Akshay Kumar revealed that contrary to popular belief, he does not immediately start his workout upon waking up. He shared that he wakes up around 2-2.5 hours before his wife Twinkle Khanna and their children Aarav and Nitara.

Akshay stated that this early morning alone time is extremely valuable to him. “I believe everyone should wake up early to have some private hours when the family is still asleep. It's the best time to be alone with your thoughts” he said. Rather than jumping straight into exercise, Akshay likes to slowly wake up and relax. He mentioned going for walks in the garden or by the sea, looking at the sunrise, and having moments of quiet reflection. “This allows me to ask myself questions and truly think. For me, this routine is a form of meditation,” Akshay revealed.

Experts highlight various benefits of establishing an early morning routine like Akshay's. It is easier to tune into one's inner self when the is quieter in the wee hours. Spending solitary time in nature can energize both body and mind for the day. Setting aside time for self-reflection before the bustle of the day begins also promotes improved mental wellbeing and clarity. Overall, carving out private hours in the morning appears to provide Akshay Kumar an opportunity to recharge both physically and mentally for his demanding career. Fans got a rare glimpse into how the dedicated actor likes to start his day.

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