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Jammu KashmirTerrorists kill another civilian in Kashmir

Terrorists kill another civilian in Kashmir


Srinagar, Apr 13: Terrorists shot dead a civilian in Kulgam district of  Division on Wednesday, officials said here.

Satish Kumar Singh, a Rajput, was shot by terrorists in Kakran area of the south Kashmir district at around 7.30 pm.

Officials said the two police personnel posted at his house rushed out after hearing gunfire and found Singh in a pool of blood.

Fifty-five-year-old Singh, who received one bullet in the head and two in the chest, was taken to a hospital in Srinaagar where he died.

“Civilian Satish Kumar Singh, a resident of Kulgam, succumbed to his injuries at hospital. Terrorists involved in this gruesome terror will be neutralised soon. Search to track the involved terrorists in progress,” the police said in a tweet.

Officials suspect that a new recruit of the Lashkar-e-Taiba terror group was involved in the attack.

Kulgam and Shopian districts have small pockets with Rajput families who have not migrated out of and Kashmir. They are mainly into apple .

Terrorists have stepped up attacks on civilians in south Kashmir over the past 10 days.

Four labourers hailing from outside Jammu and Kashmir were injured in two separate attacks in Pulwama last week, while a Kashmiri Pandit shopkeeper was shot and injured by terrorists in Shopian.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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