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FDA Issues Warning Over Microdose Chocolate Bars: Six People Hospitalized, Regulators Urge Consumers to Avoid Eating Products Containing Psychedelic Substances

The United States Food and Drug Administration has warned the public against eating Diamond Shruumz brand chocolate bars labelled as containing microdoses of mushrooms. According to reports, at least eight individuals have fallen ill from symptoms including seizures, loss of consciousness and abnormal heart rates after consuming these products.

So far cases have been documented across four states – Arizona, Indiana, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Of the total affected, six required hospitalization to receive treatment for their severe symptoms. No fatalities have been linked to the chocolates as of now. Those who took ill after eating the Diamond Shruumz bars complained of seizures, disrupted central nervous system activity, agitation, irregular heartbeat and nausea or vomiting.

Upon investigation, it was found that the company promotes their chocolate as containing a blend of nootropic and functional mushrooms, not psilocybin or other regulated substances. However, the exact ingredients and their doses provided in the bars remain unknown at the moment. Regulators at the FDA and CDC are conducting a joint probe with poison control centers and local departments to determine the cause and risks associated.

In the interim, the FDA has recommended the public avoid purchasing or eating any Diamond Shruumz products. Those experiencing unwellness linked to these chocolates have been told to seek immediate medical help or contact the Poison Help hotline for guidance. Despite the advisory, reports indicate the company continues promoting their products online without acknowledging the illnesses. As investigations are ongoing, consumers are urged to exercise caution with any ‘microdose' food items until more is known.

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