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JammuWe need engineers who think beyond textbooks: Sinha

We need engineers who think beyond textbooks: Sinha


Tawi, Aug 2: Stating that 's future offers immense opportunities for engineering careers, Jammu and Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Wednesday said we need engineers who will not be confined to the mundane, but who will think beyond textbooks and question the status quo and embrace challenges as opportunities.

“We need engineers who will not be confined to the mundane, but who will think beyond textbooks and question the status quo and embrace challenges as opportunities. Young engineers' expertise will be instrumental in driving the mission of Make in India and Start Up India,” said Sinha while addressing the joining batch of 2023 of IIT Jammu at the Foundation Program at the Jagti Campus.

“Glad to see the young talents embarking on a new journey in which the -class faculty will nurture their talents to transform their dreams into reality,” said Sinha.

He stated that as the nation continues to invest in research and development, infrastructure and technological advancement, a plethora of opportunities await engineers.

“The ‘Make in India' and ‘Digital India' initiatives coupled with a burgeoning startup ecosystem, presents a fertile ground for young minds to make their mark and carve a successful career in engineering,” he added.

Sinha said that the World's greatest powers are witness to the fact that great engineers have been instrumental in propelling those nations to unparalleled heights. Engineering prowess of countries like Japan and USA has contributed to their growth and elevated their status in the world.

“India needs engineers who can address the challenges of urbanization, infrastructure and access to quality healthcare and education for all. Young engineers' ideas and solutions can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society,” said the LG.

He said that India needs engineers who can collaborate globally, foster partnership with other countries and institutions to address complex global challenges, adding, “I strongly believe young engineers have the potential to not only make India self-reliant but also position it as a global leader.”

Universities, as the cradle of innovation, need to become the backbone of progress. By collaborating with Industries and addressing real-world challenges, Universities can produce graduates equipped with skills to solve complex problems, he said.

“Let us harness the power of innovation and engineering to build a better tomorrow. The opportunities that lie ahead in India's journey are immense, and I have no doubt that young engineers' brilliance & determination will drive our nation to new heights,” Sinha asserted.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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