Vikram's latest historical epic Thangalaan had a remarkable opening at the ticket counters on its first day, generating around Rs 12.6 crore in earnings. According to reports from the film trade, the big-budget period drama released in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam versions saw excellent footfalls right from its inaugural shows.
Directed by Pa Ranjith, Thangalaan featured Vikram in the lead role portraying an undisclosed character set in the Kolar Gold Fields region during British rule. Industry sources state the multi-language release helped widen its reach, with the Tamil version alone contributing an estimated Rs 11 crore. The Telugu distribution brought in approximately Rs 1.5 crore while screenings in Malayalam fetched close to Rs 10 lakh.
With over 70% occupancy recorded across Tamil Nadu, the film seemed to strike a chord with audiences. Key centers like Chennai saw strong presence with nearly 82% full shows. Trade experts believe these numbers for Thangalaan's first day match the performance of Dhanush's recent smash hit Raayan. That film has since gone on to become a global blockbuster raking in over Rs 150 crore worldwide.
Thangalaan faced tough competition in the Telugu states from other new releases like Mr. Bachchan and Double iSmart. But going by initial statistics, Vikram's new movie emerged on top of its rivals. While Mr. Bachchan managed around Rs 5.3 crore on day one, Double iSmart collected approximately Rs 7.5 crore over the same period.
Vikram currently has multiple anticipated projects in the works after delivering box office successes with Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan parts 1 & 2. His fans will be keeping an eye on how Thangalaan holds up in the coming days at the ticket window. With powerful content and top-notch production values, this historical saga has gotten off to an encouraging start.