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JammuTerrorists Attack a House in Hiranagar , Kathua Near IB in Jammu:

Terrorists Attack a House in Hiranagar , Kathua Near IB in Jammu:


: Terrorists on Tuesday evening fired a few rounds in Hiranagar area of Kathua district following which search operation was started. Reliable sources told, that fire of three rounds were heard near village Saida Sohal that is North of Kootah Morh. They said that soon after the firing was heard, teams of security forces have rushed to the spot and started a massive search operation. They said that three suspected persons were seen in the area.

As per details shared by Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh on social media, assailants targeted a private residence in the remote Hiranagar sector village in the early hours of Tuesday.

The Minister stated he has been in close contact with district authorities including Deputy Commissioner Kathua Sh. Rakesh Minhas and Senior Superintendent of Police Anayat Ali Choudhary, who are personally overseeing the security response on ground. Dr. Singh confirmed one terrorist has been neutralized so far in the ongoing joint operation involving police and paramilitary forces.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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