Speculation swirled on social media following Sidharth Malhotra's appearance at a high-profile Delhi fashion show last week. Videos captured the Bollywood actor connecting in an animated way with a model during their walk together on the runway.
The event on Friday saw Malhotra serve as showstopper for renowned designers Shantanu and Nikhil, who showcased their latest couture creations inspired by 1970s silhouettes. In one video shared extensively, the actor could be seen smiling and engaging in cheerful conversation with his fellow model. As they strolled together across the stage, she moved nearer to him while maintaining their stride.
While the friendly exchange likely meant nothing more than two professionals performing their roles, curious viewers began buzzing about the glimpse into their visible rapport. Some pondered what Malhotra's long-term partner, actress Kiara Advani, must have thought catching sight of the display. A few Twitter users even tagged Advani's account playfully questioning if she had seen the clip.
The buzz amplified as their body language, however innocently, conveyed a casual closeness beyond just a working interaction. Neither party has directly addressed the brief episode. Malhotra has walked for Shantanu and Nikhil on prior occasions as well.
The glamorous evening also featured talents like veteran star Zeenat Aman and singer Saba Azad. Malhotra's family was present to support him at the high-society Delhi event attended by the who's who of industries. While the selective memory of a short video ignited conjecture, the real rapport between those involved remains unknown.